So, you have a blog and you enjoy creating great content for it—but aren’t happy with the numbers?  It happens to everyone, especially now that the food blogging industry is so saturated. Growing a food blog can be slow at first, but with a few tips and tools, you can increase your website’s traffic and engagement.

I’ve been running my food blogging website for a while and share all my incredible traveling and dining experiences. Here are some tips I’ve learned so far in my journey (and they work!).

Use Submission Sites

Utilize different submission sites to grow your page views and exposure. These sites increase traffic and help with link-building, which is a crucial part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Some great submission sites for food bloggers include:

Find and Use Relevant Social Media Platforms

Social media offers many features to grow your blog and reach a wider audience. Instead of creating an account on every platform, find 2–3 that you enjoy and work best for your type of content. Instagram is the top social platform for me, and brings the most readers to my blogging website.

Pinterest and Tailwind

Pinterest is another important tool. It’s more like a search engine than a social platform because users treat it like Google. Curate Pinterest pins to increase traffic on your blog. You can use Canva to create pins and add keywords to the titles and descriptions. To make things even easier, use Tailwind. It’s a great tool to automate your pins, find templates, and connect to other bloggers to expand your reach.

Master Your Photography Skills

Good photographs can significantly increase the exposure of your blogs and people would even share them. You can take photography classes to enhance your skills and learn how to edit photos and videos.

Make Your Site User-Friendly

Once you get visitors to your blog, you need to make sure they stay and read your posts. You’ll need a user-friendly website to accomplish this. It should be easy to navigate so your audience can understand your blog without much work. Make sure your website’s general aesthetics, navigation bars, content, and every other element are relevant and work well together. Otherwise, people will probably close the window without reading your content.

Another thing to ensure is having a mobile-friendly website because that’s what most of your audience uses.

A food blogging website

Thank you for being here! If you want to learn more about food blogging, you can explore my blog at Irina Bukatik. I love traveling to culinary destinations around the world and learning about their culture and cuisine. It inspires me to create content for you guys. Read more about my travel experiences or contact me for any queries.

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