Food blogging is becoming increasingly popular among food enthusiasts, chefs, photographers, and travel bloggers. So, what is food blogging?

Well, the definition keeps on changing every day. It is mostly about exploring food cultures, trying out new restaurants, promoting healthy lifestyles, and sharing different food experiences with the rest of the world.

A food blogger can speak or write about their experiences with food or cooking through a local food blog on a website or a social media platform. They don’t need to be a food critic. They can be any regular consumer who likes restaurant hopping and wants to give their honest opinion about the food.

An image of a table with salad, juice, and a hat

So, what do food bloggers get besides food? Based on a survey, a food blogger can make an income by placing ads on their local food blogging website or through affiliate marketing programs. The survey showed that some food bloggers make up to $8,000 a month, with 42% of the income from ads and 10% from affiliate programs. However, some myths can prevent you from building a career in food blogging.

Running a food travel blogging website, I have heard plenty of myths related to food blogging. These can be discouraging to new bloggers or those considering starting their blog.

If you’re one of those people, continue reading because I will debunk some of the most common food blogging myths and provide some insight into what it’s like to be a food blogger.

An image of a woman resting in the grass with cookies and a camera

Myth #1: Food Bloggers Need To Be Professional Chefs

Dear future bloggers, I assure you that you don’t need to be a professional chef or have a culinary degree to start a food blog. Anyone with a passion for cooking, exploring food cultures—and even just eating—can share recipes, thoughts, opinions, and food experiences to start a blog.

Myth #2: Food Bloggers Always Use Fancy Cameras For Food Photography

While having a good camera can certainly help, it’s not a requirement for capturing great food photos. Food bloggers don’t always have their cameras on them. Most of them use their smartphones to capture photos. Even if you’re traveling to a top food destination in the world, you can use your smartphone camera and other picture editing tools to make your pictures look as tempting as the actual food.

Myth #3: Food Bloggers Need a Large Following to be Successful

While having a large following can attract more advertisers and sponsors, it’s not the only measure of success. Engaged and loyal followers who appreciate your content are more valuable than a large number.

An image of a table with food

Myth #4: Food Bloggers Have To Post New Content Every Day

While consistency can be the key to going viral on social media platforms, posting new and unique content can be challenging for even the most experienced food bloggers. A survey showed that only 22% of food bloggers publish new content every week, and only 2% publish new content every day. Therefore, it is more important to focus on the quality of content rather than its quantity. Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience is always better.

Myth #5: Food Bloggers Need to Have a Niche

Some food bloggers have a niche. For example, some food bloggers only review Michelin Star restaurants, some share recipes only, and some like to explore street food and hidden gems.

You can have a  niche to build a dedicated audience, but it’s not a requirement. Many successful food bloggers talk and write about a variety of topics, from recipe development to restaurant reviews and food culture.

Myth #6: Food Bloggers Can’t Make Money From a Food Blog

It will take some time and effort, but making money from a food blog is possible. Food bloggers can sell ad space on their local food blogging website, share sponsored content, and join affiliate marketing programs to make an income. In the beginning, you may want to give up. However, it gets better—a little bite at a time.

An image of a breakfast platter

Myth #7: Food Bloggers Need to be Active on all Social Media Platforms

Being a food blogger does not mean you have to be a social media manager too. It’s not necessary to share your food blogging content on every social media platform. Choose the platforms that resonate with your audience and focus on creating engaging content there.

If you know the art of storytelling with writing and have amazing pictures to share, create a food-travel blogging website and an Instagram account. If you like speaking about your experiences and recording videos of yourself eating and enjoying food, a YouTube Channel or TikTok account may be a good option.

Myth #8: Food Blogging is Easy and Doesn’t Require Much Work

Blogging, in general, is not easy. Food bloggers put a lot of effort and time into creating their content. From recipe development to photography to writing, there’s a lot to do. Therefore, you need to have a passion for it and be willing to put in the time and effort if you want to become a successful food blogger.

Myth #9: Food Bloggers Have to Eat Out Everyday

Food blogging does not mean you have to break the bank. You don’t need a big budget to eat out every day. You can start with something as small as sharing a simple cookie recipe or your experience of trying out a new coffee place. Many successful food bloggers work with what they have and find creative ways to make their content stand out.

Myth #10: Food Bloggers Give Fake Reviews and Can’t Be Trusted

I can’t speak for everyone, but I would never promote food or products I have not tried. Food blogging includes trying out different foods and cuisines. If you like something, talk about it. If you don’t like something, don’t share content, and do give your feedback to the vendor.

Make your blog honest and share your unbiased opinion so your audience can trust and support you.  

Myth #11: Food Bloggers Can Only Share Orignal Recipes

You don’t need to be a food technician to be a food blogger. Found an easy-to-make recipe on YouTube? You can share it with your audience, but you need to stick to some rules.

You can share the ingredient list but it’s important to credit the creator of the recipe or add a link to the original recipe. .

Myths #12: Food Bloggers Can Gain Weight

Food bloggers try a lot of different types of food that can affect their body weight. However, you can be a food blogger and remain fit. You can stay healthy while having the best food in the world by exercising, practicing portion control, and keeping a calorie count.

These were some of the most common food blogging myths that I wanted to debunk. If I have missed any, do let me know in the comments so we can debunk them together.

Starting a food blog can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and it’s important not to let these myths discourage you from pursuing your passion. Here are my top three tips for starting a food blog.

  1. Create a blogging website. While Instagram and other social media platforms are great for sharing your travel images, you will need a website if you want to share details about your experiences and food adventures. You can create content for your website and repurpose it for your social media. You can also personalize your website using themes and templates.
  2. Start creating content. You don’t need to start with something great. Do you enjoy drinking coffee? Create a blog to share your experience with all the coffee places you have tried. Remember, success as a food blogger does not mean having many followers, but it’s your dedication to creating high-quality content relatable to your audience.
  3. Tell people about your blog. Have friends and family that support you? Ask them to share and promote your blog on their social media accounts and help you build an audience. You can also use paid marketing tools to promote your blog.
An image of Irina Bukatik

Follow My Blog and Instagram To Discover My Journey As a Travel and Food Blogger

I’m an avid food and travel blogger, and I love to visit and explore culinary destination in the world. I have created this blog to journal all my most incredible travel experiences around the world.

Follow me on my Facebook and Instagram accounts to learn more about my traveling and food adventures. Or get in touch with me here.

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